To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:
Seems like everyone has a bazillion things going on these days. A big question for many is how to best chunk down our priorities in the best possible order, consistent with our highest, most important values and needs? Do we need to plan time to plan as we head into increasingly whitewater, dynamic environments in the coming months ahead?
What have we learned in our increasing fast-faced and complex world? How important is it to be vividly clear about what’s most important for us and to organize around that?
Let’s consider the following statements:
“Get ready! If you think you are overwhelmed with information right now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. I was shocked, yet also unsurprised, when I read IBM’s prediction that by 2020, knowledge will likely be doubling every 11 to 12 hours…The knowledge explosion…How precise is this prediction? Hard to tell. But the trend is incontrovertible. Knowledge is increasing at an ever-accelerating rate.” – Published on October 10, 2017
To reiterate, our intent is to focus on what we can control, regardless of circumstances.
As a refresher, a brief outline of what we’ll cover in the coming months, until 2023
- Creating your highly effective and comprehensive 2022 year-end marketing plans.
- Optimizing your post-Labor Day Weekend networking opportunities for Fall Season.
- Optimizing your referral request opportunities as we near the 2022 Holiday Season.
- Optimizing your client appreciation communications for 2022 Thanksgiving Holiday.
- Optimizing your 2022 year-end wrap up challenges and 2023 planning opportunities.
For perspective about not letting just any good get in the way of your great, let’s consider The Story of How Michelangelo Created ‘The Statue of David’. He worked with an enormous block of marble of exceptional dimensions that was neglected for 25 years, because it was thought by previous artists to have way too many imperfections.
Michelangelo was only 26 years old in 1501, but he was already the most famous and best paid artist in his days. He accepted the challenge with enthusiasm to sculpt a large-scale David and worked constantly for over two years to create one of his most breathtaking masterpieces of gleaming white marble. Michelangelo created a masterpiece that still leaves us in awe, more than 500 years after he created it!!
Michelangelo was famously quoted as saying:
“Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to release it” as well as “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free.”
Many times, our challenge is to create “music” above the incessant noise of distractions.
Our task and our opportunity maybe to determine “the statue” we are trying to create. In our own terms, what goal is “the angel” that we want to set free before 2023? What do we need to make sure that we don’t get distracted or taken off our main track? An idea:
Make your own “Not To Do” List – here’s a worksheet to eliminate unwanted tolerations.
Do anything and everything you can to simplify, eliminate or delegate the unnecessary!!
And Get Back to Basics? Be Proactive, with Ends in Mind. Keep 1st Things 1st.
What are you trying to accomplish? Why? How do you know if you’re making progress?
Before 2023, what must you achieve or nothing else will really matter? (You can review, update, revise or improve your Before 2023 Plans)
Watch a literal minute vid ‘Masterpiece’ (From 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
In the context of making your life a masterpiece, here are a couple of previous blogs.
The non-renewable resource that your time is and how to make the most of it |
You feel like you’re in a whirlwind these days? (here’s what you can do about it)
On Networking, as we head into September, to Begin Your Showtime!!
Our net worth is a function of our network – not who we know, but who knows us.
In terms of our professional lives, many of us are paid to think, create, innovate, and execute. Many people have roles that rely primarily on such human skills as advising, decision-making, reasoning, communicating, and interacting would rise in demand.
As most people agree, everything kicks into a more accelerated, higher gear after Labor Day Weekend. It seems to me that most are people more serious about getting back to work and want to finish their year on the highest possible note. Summer vacation time is over. It’s now showtime for high energy, optimal networking, and business development.
For those who are proactive and best equipped, this can spell opportunities galore!! In that light, what do you want and how much can you handle? Are you organized for that?
Here are ideas and strategies designed to help – take the best and leave the rest.
#1) My first (timeless?) published article on Networking Strategies (from years ago)
#2) Ideas for new relationships or freshening up familiar ones (yours truly 😊😊)
#3) Building Your Network – from Brian Tracy’s A Treasury of Personal Achievement
According to the Law of Probabilities, the greater the number of people you know, the more likely it is that the right person at the right time and in the right place will be available to give you the help you need to move more rapidly ahead in your life. The more people you know, the more doors of opportunity will be open to you, and the sounder the advice you will get in making the important decisions that shape your life.
#4) 15 Tips from Keith Ferrazzi: About Being a Conference Commando
Conferences are a huge opportunity to build relationships with extraordinary people, people who might have significant impact on your professional or personal success. Are you setting yourself up to go forward in your best interests?? |
What are the main things that you need to keep as your main things??
Investing a few minutes to jot down your responses to this question may serve you well.
As a fellow traveler for a great, fulfilling life and a journey you’ll love, we surely hope so.
Gratefully yours,