Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:
Most of us have a daily boatload of both short and long-term decisions to make.
How carefully and deeply have we examined our thinking processes and developed our reflexive, in-the-moment skills, to optimize our intended outcomes as we pursue/fulfill whatever we deem to be our worthy purposes and needs?
I’ve read 2 recently published works about strategy, and I’ll pass them on to you.
The first book, published on March 23, 2023, is titled Sentient Strategy by Alan Weiss.
Here is a 5-star Review that I submitted to amazon (which has yet to be posted)
Outstanding. Ahead of the curve.
A reality check and a contemporary update about strategy.
What could be more critical than how we can seriously think about strategy and what flows or doesn’t flow out of our process? For me, Sentient Strategy has served to reiterate and reinforce many key points, as well as expand my comprehension of my previous studies.
I have found that Sentient Strategy is current and based upon decades of being in the global trenches.
I think that there is a lot of tremendous, field-test, seasoned wisdom in this book that is yet to be known and consistently practiced. I also think any influential leader or serious professional worth their public salt would be remiss not to check it out.
I experienced the author as a straight talker and thought-provoking writer, with a lot of leading-edge horsepower. Other readers may or may not agree with what he says or how he says it. In my case, I want to hear him out first before I decide how I might best respond.
I also found Sentient Strategy to be incredibly well-informed, with its broad-based depth and its varied case studies. I like the author’s conversational writing style and metaphors – pithy, to the point, and memorable. I believe that this book will help guide me, on a quarterly basis, with its practical applications for productive impact.
For me, he observes and articulates about observable phenomena that I hadn’t yet noticed, revealing avoidable blind spots that were previously unknown and hidden from my view. I envision bringing more ‘giddy up’ to both my language and all my communications.
I believe Sentient Strategy provides universal level common sense that is both dynamic and constantly expanding. I think that many readers will find ideas here that they haven’t yet heard of anywhere else. I think that these applications are highly relevant, focusing on what’s effective and what’s not effective, in terms of strategy.
Additionally, I also value his periodic humor, along with his unique perspectives, illustrations, and approaches. I suggest that readers be ready to be challenged, including looking up new words, to stay current with today’s continuously evolving global marketplace.
Don’t believe me – see for yourself. I carefully highlighted my copy for repeat future reference and optimal outcomes. Reading Sentient Strategy has been a worthy investment of my time, which I anticipate will yield many dividends. Now, to implement…
The second published work about strategy is an April 2023 syndicated article by William A. Cohen (excerpts from his excellent book, The Art of the Strategist)
In case this info might help you with all you got going on – a checklist of 10 key strategy points, based primarily upon the work of Peter Drucker, and his best student William A. Cohen (one of my mentors), William A. Cohen (from his excellent book, The Art of the Strategist) – Don (PS – you may want to share this info with your team, as well as colleagues and connections beyond your team)
Developing Strategies Based on Drucker * William A. Cohen – April 2023
Here’s a final note about strategy, from Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric
Jack Welch Says Only Two Words Matter for Leaders Today: Truth and Trust
“In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and implement it like hell.” Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric
Good luck with everything that you are up to, and possibly up against, in June.