November 20, 2023November 20, 2023Uncategorized Are you as surprised as we are that it’s already Thanksgiving 2023?? Wishing you and yours the best of this week. Don,
October 30, 2023October 30, 2023Uncategorized What are core practices for great leadership? For our own life mastery and the greater world? Season’s Greetings to all our highly valued clients and respected colleagues: In reference to Peter Drucker’s quote above, it probably […]
September 28, 2023September 29, 2023Uncategorized How great are we willing to have our life be? Do we have any idea of what’s even possible? “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” – Adam Grant, author of Originals: How […]
September 1, 2023September 1, 2023Uncategorized Anything stopping you from getting what you want and need?? If so, what if you had more strategies to beat the odds in your life?? Dealing with Unintended Consequences – 1 minute, 44 seconds To all our highly valued clients and respected colleagues: Every day, […]
August 21, 2023August 21, 2023Uncategorized AMAZON BEST SELLER – MONETIZING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE by Don Sardella A Special Announcement for all our highly valued clients and connections: I hope your summer has been going well. A […]
July 31, 2023July 31, 2023Uncategorized It’s almost Back to School and Back to Work Time?? What can we now create in our lives and in our work? Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and respected colleagues: I’m just coming off a high-velocity, high-intensity […]
May 15, 2023June 28, 2023Uncategorized What’s our life and work like when our communication skills are at their best? What are some unintended consequences when they’re not?? ☹☹ It’s Not About The Nail – 101 seconds Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: In […]
May 9, 2023June 1, 2023Uncategorized As we carefully think, we act more effectively – can we call that strategy? How best to think critically about our most important choices? Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: Most of us have a daily boatload of both […]
May 1, 2023May 1, 2023Uncategorized What could possibly be the value of having values?? As a place to come from, not a place to get to?? Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: Given many conversations in recent months, I have […]
March 29, 2023March 29, 2023Uncategorized To Have a Coach or Not Have a Coach? Is That a Question? Andy Stanley, Founder and Senior Pastor of North Point Ministries. To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: Happy April […]