February 23, 2023February 23, 2023Uncategorized Can we become unstoppable without stopping? Can that help to strengthen our courage to act? Sir Winston Churchill – British PM @ 1946 Commencement Speech at U. of Miami. To all our highly valued […]
February 1, 2023February 1, 2023Uncategorized What’s possible to keep ourselves creative, collaborative, effective and fulfilled?? Elizabeth Gilbert, Author, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. Her memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, has sold over 12 million copies in […]
January 2, 2023January 2, 2023Uncategorized It’s 2023 – what big thing is possible for you now, that wasn’t before? – Dr. Nido R. Qubein – President of High Point University Happy New Year to all our highly valued clients […]
November 28, 2022November 28, 2022Uncategorized Optimizing your 2022 wrap up?? Planning your 2023 opportunities?? 2 mins, 30 secs of ideas to consider as resource tools for your future. To all our highly valued […]
November 24, 2022November 24, 2022Uncategorized Wishing you and yours the best for this Thanksgiving Beyond any sorrow and pain, beyond any challenges and grief, with all the lessons that we can learn, the ways […]
October 31, 2022October 31, 2022Uncategorized What’s possible now, to improve our clients’ experience of being appreciated?? To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: This month, we are focusing on optimizing your client appreciation communications as […]
September 30, 2022September 30, 2022Uncategorized Your Systematic, Reliable Referral Request Process (as a High-Trust, Win-Win Dynamic, Focused on Increasing Value for Everyone) To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: I am finding that many people are feeling underappreciated and underserved, […]
August 30, 2022August 30, 2022Uncategorized Is it showtime for high energy, optimal networking, and business development?? To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: Seems like everyone has a bazillion things going on these days. A […]
August 1, 2022August 1, 2022Uncategorized Before 2023, what must you achieve or nothing else will really matter? To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: We are quickly entering the faster-paced season of “Back to School, Back […]
July 14, 2022July 14, 2022Uncategorized Want to take in a little 4-minute musical dance adventure from afar and give yourself a bit of fresh cultural air? To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: Then watch the Chronogrammies “Victory Dance” 2022 – Readers’ Choice Awards, where […]