To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:
February 2025. We are obviously in a period of tremendous change and challenge in virtually every aspect of life that we can imagine. Is it ‘opportunity galore’ or overwhelm?
What has got us here won’t get us there. Our past does not equal our futures.
Consider Einstein, who was incessantly curious and created unprecedented outcomes.
Einstein himself said: “I have no special talents; I am only passionately curious”
In addition to his curiosity, Einstein’s willingness to be a nonconformist was also an important part of his personality. His ability to question conventional wisdom provided the creative spark that ultimately led to many of his unprecedented breakthroughs.
Einstein never felt encumbered by prevailing views or conventional thinking. Lessons?
- Einstein’s curiosity and childlike wonder led him to explore problems and concepts that most other people didn’t even notice or care about. We can do this.
- As he explored these concepts, his nonconformist thinking enabled him to question fundamental, widely held assumptions, ultimately leading to insights.
If we get a fraction of where Einstein was in terms of curiosity and independent thinking, we will also be better prepared to discover our own fundamental, innovative insights.
We can also animate our childlike curiosity, and become independent, critical thinkers.
As major innovator Steve Jobs cited in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech
“Stay hungry, stay foolish” – means to always learn, move forward, avoid taking things personally and be indifferent when things don’t go as planned. It means you adapt fast, learn new things continually, be/do your best. Be patient with your results but impatient with your actions. Don’t sweat or mind the small stuff. Be a little stubborn, a little crazy.
What constitutes real growth for you? How are you measuring and tracking that?
What repeatable key factors move your needles? What’s your consistent focus?
For example, AI conversations/concerns are exploding all over the place. A key point?
Wise, caring, discerning leadership will likely be replaced last (if ever) by any machines.
With today’s dizzying pace in our increasingly AI world, many feel like their heads are spinning and that they just got thrown out of a blender into 2025 and landed on a mat.
As you get your bearings, how are you optimizing your responses & leadership abilities?
As stated in the past, our response-ability requires clearly defined goals and effort.
“If you are not making the progress that you would like to make and are capable of making, it is simply because your goals are not clearly defined.” – Paul J. Meyer, Founder of Success Motivation Institute.
To reiterate a discipline that we continue to advocate and work to relentlessly practice:
Set Yourself Up to Win with 90-Day Goals to Optimize Your Most Desired Outcome
The most successful people I know Plan 90 Days at a Time, consistent with their compelling visions and their most important core values. They then continuously correct courses, like a GPS, to accomplish what they want most. 90 Days can be a great time frame where your aspirations and planning can work extremely well together.
Give it another shot? Here’s your worksheet: ILD LLC 21 Goals for The Next 90 Days.
How might we be a professional biz resource for you?
Help you lead highly effective teams for great business development.
Increase your professionalism, productivity, performance and profitability.
Focus on improved annuitized business models, reducing your labor intensity.
Unleash your greatest talents, with inspirational strategies and creative resources.
Develop extremely robust marketing, referral and center of influence programs/engine.
Foster collaborative partnerships to serve your highest quality, ideal client relationships.
Consistent focus, systematic accountability, exceptional execution to get desired results.
Strengthen your value-added service, to continuously elevate client’s experience/loyalty.
In a nutshell, you can visit:
We’ve been asked what benefits our clients have recently reported:
Extremely Creative, Personalized, Timely Solutions for me and my clients.
Resilient and adaptable strategies to address radical changes in circumstances.
Extraordinary visionary – motivates/inspires/challenges us to be and do our best.
Seasoned advice/counsel/guidance/support. Rock solid reputation with great range.
Energizing/engaging, interactive/synergistic, dynamic/challenging, relevant/rewarding.
Seemingly unlimited resources – ability to help crack codes with tricky/sticky situations.
Keeps our focus on rapid progress/manifestation/success, not perfection or small stuff.
Objective/transparent/straight-talk/grounded. He feels grateful/privileged/happy to work.
Helps us fully embrace/integrate what we are learning to make a meaningful difference.
Exceptional service, with empathy/compassion. Helps to define/prioritize/live my dream.
A catalytic role model/pioneer – playful/entertaining/humorous – enjoying life/adventure.
Strong result/outcome-based/get ‘er done orientation. Joyous execution/implementation.
Shall we set up a brief call for me to better understand your latest??
Can we make ‘25 a Happier, Bigger Banner Year? One to Remember?
Let me know what you think will serve you best. I prefer to hear more from you.

PS – for my valued clients in the Financial Services Industry:
Key Takeaways from recent conversations and research:
- Nobody said being a Financial Advisor is easy. It takes consistent effort.
- Many challenges have little to do with finances or your investment choices.
- Clients have different goals/expectations for when/how goals will be achieved.
- Financial Advisors are responsible for aggregating actionable plans for clients.
- Different clients will want different levels and means of communication/service.
- Financial Advisors must balance data-driven analytics w empathetic discussions.
In 2025, our industry must navigate a lot of complexities. Some excellent points here!!
5 Ways Financial Planners Can Exceed Client Expectations in 2025 – Amid uncertainty, here’s how to thrive. (The opinions expressed here are Sheryl Rowling’s)