Don Sardella – Have a Banner Year 1 min, 53 secs
26 secs from City Slickers – One Thing – The Secret of Life – Full HD
Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and respected colleagues:
Hope your holiday season was as good and as joyous as you could make it.
In recent weeks, as we turn the corner into a new year, I continue to discover that this seems to be a time of great transition and reconstitution on so many levels for so many people as we wrap up 2023 and are quickly heading into 2024. I find a lot of people now looking at their long game.
This is not a forecast, and many feel it’s time for a reassessment and possible reconstitution, to adjust and better align with what’s most important for them, in terms of their values and highest, most important priorities, given any new relationships, current health challenges, changes in work dynamics/responsibilities and career-related plans, economic/political uncertainties, etc.
We can challenge ourselves to set not only aspirational goals, but also recalibrate for relevancy.
Simplicity and transparency can be our best friends. From there, we can create a framework for the best possible support, leading to consistent implementation. We advocate the shortest possible pathways for peace of mind, as well as to solutions towards much-needed outcomes.
As you may already know, it’s very rare that most of us will keep our resolutions for a year. According to U.S. News & World Report, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February, so the odds are against us. What exactly goes wrong in this process? This may come as no surprise. There are challenges. Maybe…
- Our goals aren’t clear.
- We feel so overwhelmed.
- We often feel discouraged.
- We are not ready to change.
Several key recommendations for a mini checklist for your success.
- Pick a concrete & measurable goal – what are your Compelling Whys??
- Utilize the power of writing to clarify your Whys & Fully Animate Yourself
- Create plans to get all the help you want & need with support structures!
- Ensure you are continuously energized, inspired, motivated & engaged!!
- Gratefully celebrate your process, milestones & list of accomplishments!!
How do we get (keep?) ourselves engaged in our highest pursuits?
On engagement, we find that there are two key points to help cause it, especially from our team members’ point of view. People, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, are often asking these questions (out loud or in their heads) and always wondering:
- Are we making progress? Am I winning? Are we winning?
- Are we clear about our purpose? Is this really a big deal?
Create a prioritized checklist of highly effective, decisive action steps.
Fresh year-to-date updates on your progress since you last did this?
- What’s been accomplished, so far? What’s working? What’s not working?
- What’s on your 2024 Goal Sheet to confidently start your year with powerful clarity?
- From your own assessment, your top 2-3 commitments to strongly start your 2024?
- Current expectations for 2024? What’s most needed to fulfill your ‘ground game’?
Create 90-Day Plans that genuinely excite, energize, and motivate you.
- Will they inspire you to indisputably shift your focus and attention to these areas?
- Do they meet your most important needs? Do they fulfill your highest priorities?
- Are you able to quickly adjust your course, like a GPS, if there are any detours?
Have these “Must Do” Lists remind you of what matters most for you – what it is that you really want and what you really need now. You are then able to consistently honor your most important priorities in any situation. When you know what you really want, your focus can become crystal clear. Where focus goes, energies flow.
Easy to say. Hard to discipline to follow through? We start with clarity.
Here’s a very basic, easy to fill out 90 -Day Goal Sheet to get you started. Other ideas?
One set of resources to consider comes from Melissa de Witte, from Stanford University.
Also, the book, Transitions (40th Anniversary Edition): Making Sense of Life’s Changes.(named one of the 50 all-time best books in self-help and personal development)
Looking to make a bigger difference for others? Maybe try these philanthropic ideas.
I am here to bring you my best energies and professional development ideas, to serve you well and to help you win.
Let’s keep connecting, communicating, and collaborating.

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