As we approach yet another Thanksgiving Week, we have the opportunity to pause and reflect upon all for which we are grateful.
How now, especially with so many people suffering so much, for so many reasons??
With a commitment to continuous improvements for us all, I am sending to you a partial gratitude list to show my appreciation for 2021:
- For my family, for showing me your care and the value of being together as we all live our lives.
- The freedoms of this great country in which we live – indisputably, a work in progress.
- The friendship and confidence you have shown in us, as well as the trust we share.
- The opportunities for growth, accomplishment and fulfillment in service to others.
- The pleasant associations we have had with you throughout many recent years.
- The chance to send our warmest regards and to thank you for our relationship.
For all these things, we are deeply grateful.
May you and those you most love have the best possible Thanksgiving in 2021.
We are sincerely yours and at your service,