To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:
As 2021 quickly enters the next 6 months, I send you both my gratitude and several suggestions for creating as much life fulfilment as possible as you prepare for whatever may help to optimize your own health and happiness.
Most of us are stunned and amazed how much the last 16+ months has been so chaotic with all the unforeseeable rippling change and transitions.
We suggest now is a superb time to both reflect back and to plan forward.
As we all know, though things may not always go according to plan, they always go better with a plan. As a gentle reminder, give yourself the gift.
Paraphrased from bestseller, “On Becoming A Leader” by Warren Bennis
“reflection is vital – burnout is a very real threat in today’s hectic atmosphere,
all serious professionals best practice the three Rs: retreat, renewal, and return.”
This is great time to regroup and to focus on what we can control in our often-turbulent lives – especially to strengthen our connections and trust, every step of the way, via healthy communication with all of the people and relationships we most care about. As a favorite mentor of mine often says:
“Difficult to live with change – impossible to live without it”
Avoid wasting time on things you can’t change. I don’t ever want to pretend to have your answer. You have the gift of being able to make your own choices and, in that light, I recommend you do what works best for you.
We each captain the ship of our own lives – we are the only ones who can choose that direction for our own health, happiness and peace. If we are committed to improving in any of those areas, we need to train ourselves.
Be the master of yourself. Take charge. Focus on what you can control.
We are all probably familiar with the commonly quoted Serenity Prayer.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.”
Learning to live and work creatively, effectively and at peace inside our existing circumstances is a critical discipline and skill set. Coming back to a most basic and important message – let’s slow ourselves down – get a fresh grip – determine what the realities are in our current situations, as best as we can understand them – where and with whom can we access the best support and guidance? What will we do that actually creates joy?
To express your highest, most fulfilling creative best self in the face of whatever circumstances, regardless of all the changing dynamics?
To live the kind of life that is worthy of you and brings you real joy.
Hint – as you proceed, move from monologues to dialogues – find at least 1 person who is equally committed, capable and inspired to work with you.
How would you answer this question for yourself?
What’s the one big thing that you need to accomplish before this year’s end, that will make the biggest difference or nothing else that you do will really matter all that much?
What is the main thing that you need to keep as your main thing?
To invest even 5-10 minutes to quickly jot out your responses to these questions can be helpful, to inventory your year and energize your focus.
Maybe invest an hour to think it all through, in writing? (Here’s a 1 page worksheet)
Are you set up in ways that make the most sense for you, going forward?
We surely hope it does and are here to cheerlead/support. At your service.
Coach Don