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To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances: I’ve been surprised how many people remember the goofy card game, 52 pickup. To be clear, it’s a humorous card game which consists only of picking up a scattered deck of playing cards. It is typically played as a practical joke, where the “dealer” creates the false impression that a legitimate game will be played, then simply throws the entire deck into the air so the cards land strewn on the floor, and instructs other players to pick them up. If I remember correctly, we used to try to put the cards back in some kind of order. It’s like creating order out of the chaos, if you will. When younger, I used to love pulling off that stunt, to everyone’s surprise. I’ve spoken to many people about recent pandemic times. Feels similar. I understand that after The American Revolution was fought and won, the founders asked themselves this fundamental question: How then should we govern ourselves? I think that is a question a lot of us are asking right now. Everything, on most levels, seem to be transitioning at dizzying speeds. What was then and what is now? Is it time for a new cast and a new script? What may be a vision that is no longer contemporary or compelling for us? Maybe previous visions have run their course, now expired and irrelevant? Consider this statement: “The context is decisive.” This means that the way we function is powerfully impacted by our worldview, or the way “the world shows up for us.” Nothing in our doing or the way we go through life will shift until we can question, and then choose once again, the basic set of beliefs–some call it mental models; we’re calling it context here – that lie behind our actions. – Peter Block, excerpted from his book, Community: The Structure of Belonging, 2009 Peter Block on Werner Erhard and The Power of Context. Do your current visions for the future of your life inspire and energize you? Do your future pictures and plans animate your daily life in today’s world? Are they plans that generate joy for you as you serve worthwhile purposes? This might be a lot for any of us to take on and here’s the basic truth: You CAN design a dream life and you CAN bring your dreams to your life. You can build on your best and let go of the rest – the past is not the future. Inviting? This is not a fantasy – it is achievable. It won’t happen overnight, and – with some planning and hard work – it can be a reality in 3 years time. “If we were meeting here in 3 years time, and looking back over the previous 36 months, what would have to have happened to you both personally and professionally for you to be satisfied with your progress?” Part of your renewal may include doing some fresh research, testing and experimentation – like getting a physical for optimal health and well-being. Here is an 11 page workbook, to serve you for these purposes. On another note… Recently, a colleague gave me their take on a definition for success: Continued acquisition of advantage, over time. Only way to fail? Stop living. Sprinkle in a bit of joy and humor, while you’re at – an important ingredient? Consider several conclusions from fairly recent research in Austria: Albert Einstein attributed his brilliant mind to having a child-like sense of humor. Indeed, a number of studies have found an association between humor and intelligence…Researchers in Austria recently discovered that funny people…have higher IQs than their less funny peers… they score lower in mood disturbance and aggressiveness. Not only are funny people smart, they’re nice to be around…Having a humorous outlook on life is also a good coping strategy. It helps people better manage stress and adversity. Not only do funny people make other people laugh, they also laugh more themselves. And neurobiology shows that laughter leads to brain changes, which may explain the link between humor and intelligence. Neuropsychological studies have found that experiencing positive emotional states, such as joy, fun and happiness, increases the production of dopamine in the brain…As a result, we become more flexible and creative in our thinking, and better at solving problems…Studies of positive organizations suggest the more fun we have at work the more productive we are, and the less likely we are to suffer burn-out. It creates a virtuous circle effect that enhances well-being…Given the host of benefits that being funny brings, perhaps we could all benefit from joining a stand-up comedy workshop. It seems like smart thing to do. Again, may you always be and do whatever enlivens you the most!! I think we can all reimagine our future visions with humor and intelligence. I recommend that you keep as many of your bedrock baseline activities as steady and buoyant as possible while doing any rethink and/or reinvention. I’m looking for ways to add value beyond where we have been so far and to keep everything interesting for everyone I’m working with and connected to. I intend to continue chasing innovative, productive, profitable, growth focus activities with people I enjoy interacting with on a regular basis – being on the lookout for ways to create joyous, value-filled time with you and for you. I celebrate our personal freedoms to be and freedoms to act, in service to others and especially for any greater good that helps with reducing pain and minimizing/eliminating human suffering. I intend to cultivate unceasing curiosity for greater discovery of better frontiers where we haven’t yet been. My intent is to have my life and others’ lives be as invigorating as possible – with all of its likely challenges and unforeseeable curve balls. Along the way, I trust our capacity-building processes and will support healthy growth. We are gratefully yours and at your service, ![]() |
Special offer – free (no fee) – for 30 minutes – I’m here to add value & to serve – to be my best and to do my best – I promise at least one idea to help improve your work performance and your well-being. FREE 30-minute Coaching Session. As a matter of principle and good practice, even if you don’t consult with us, we do recommend that you talk to another professional. Copyright © Institute for Leadership Development, LLC 2021 – 14700 Washington Avenue, Suite 115 – San Leandro, CA 94578 Email: Phone: (480) 580-7863 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
Knowing what we all now know, now what?