What could bring you More Comfort and Joy in the weeks ahead?? Will you Catch Your Breath, Culminate 2024, and Recalculate 2025?

To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:

December?? Holy Cow!! As we wrap up 2024 and quickly head into 2025, we want to support your peace of heart and mind in all the weeks ahead.

Paraphrased from bestseller, “On Becoming a Leader” by Warren Bennis:

“Reflection is vital. Burnout is a real threat in today’s hectic atmosphere…

…serious people best practice the three Rs: retreat, renewal, and return.”

This is a great time to regroup and to focus on what we can control in our (often turbulent?) lives – especially to strengthen connections via healthy communication with all the people and relationships we care about most.

2025 is right around the corner. What will make it rewarding for you??

New months, according to studies at Stanford University, can serve as lines of demarcation for new beginnings. This may be time for some ‘You Time’.

I’ve been making a lot of catch-up courtesy calls, sending emails/snail mail and/or whatever may help others, just by hearing people out. Good idea??

I had a Harvard PhD level boss years ago who told me, after a long day on the job, “Well, Don, another day, another inflated dollar. Good night” Yikes!!

Scared the daylights out of me, after hearing this 40 yearlong professional.

I wished him well and determined that that can’t be all that’s possible in life. It sounded like a benign resignation vs living life full out, with a lot of juice.

Good news. We get to choose how to find/follow our joy. Choose well.

Your vision can preview coming attractions. What you see is what you’ll get.

No question that we all get knocked off “our proverbial horses” from time to time by circumstances that can, sometimes literally, stop us in our tracks.

The question is, how to be bigger than whatever hits us out of the blue??

What additional ways can we refresh, revitalize, reinvigorate, and renew?

To further increase our capacity and resources for living our life more fully?

Additional rest, time in nature, journaling, reading, meditating, conversing?

As you live (celebrate?) this Holiday Season, who will you be in 2025?

What will it be? Are your sights promising? Fulfilling? If not, why not?

As we approach and enter this 2024 Holiday Season, may you move with your own unique resourcefulness during such dynamic, challenging times.

Let us know what you are up to and what you might be up against.

We look forward to expanding our relationship and future efforts with you.

Shall we set up another brief zoom call for me to better understand how I might serve you in a dialogue to brainstorm and articulate all you can be??

Let me know what might work best for you. I look forward to hearing back.

Wishing you the best possible Comfort and Joy this Holiday Season.

Be and do what works for you. Families getting together, sharing meals, exchanging gifts, and even telling old stories still one more time, can be memorable and affirmative experiences. We believe that, regardless of how you celebrate or don’t celebrate, family time, greater love, tolerance, and forgiveness are of timeless value and always welcome. May you appreciate yourself, maybe help the less fortunate, and Give Yourself Some Peace.

Ciao – Don

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