What matters most for you for the next 90 days? Based on what?? Do you agree that we become what we primarily think about??


To all our highly valued clients and acquaintances:

Given the seemingly incessant whirlwinds of conversational chaos whipping around our world these days, how do you keep yourself mentally and emotionally cool, calm and collected with inspired and doable ideas??

Seeing dark storm clouds of overwhelm in play, one of my coaches said recently, “it’s not too late – we can go for way more than we think possible.”

Looking for fresh ideas? Let’s get back to basics?? As within, so without.

Jim Rohn reminds us: “Each day stand guard at the door of your mind”

If it is to be, it is up to me?? What’s it going to be, for Your Better You??

What are you reading for your mental protein?? Why are you reading it??

Two classics to consider:

How do you keep yourself consistently inspired/energized/motivated?

How would (or do) you answer this question to (and of) yourself?? Are you aware of these key points??

“One hour a day of reading will make you an authority in your field in two or three years, it will make you an expert in five years…It will put you ahead of 99 percent of the population in a short period…”

“Development must be systematic and continuous…day in and day out…like breathing and breathing out…this is the major shift! Turn your automobile into a university on wheels.” – Success Author Brian Tracy

For more ideas that may help you to build yourself up, you can visit:

Don’s Bookshelf – Initial Recommended Reading & Listening List

Immersion for Self-Mastery??

  • One global leader’s strongest advice to me?? Never be comfortable.
  • A top coach said that if comfort is my goal, success is not in my future.
  • Another phenomenal leader repeatedly said that he was like a tea bag.

The hotter the water he found himself in, the stronger he’d make himself.

Self-Mastery is a lather, rinse, repeat scenario, until our desired skills are our DNA, at cellular levels. We get to the forever homework point where we cannot not do it – like muscle memory for great performers and athletes.

I’m a basketball fan, coming from a high school state championship team.

Steph Curry rains down 3 pointers, as does Caitlin Clark. Did you know?

Steph Curry has sunk 3,747 three-pointers and holds the All-Time Record.

Steph does 500 shots/day! That’s what Steph Curry shoots to practice his game. If he’s practicing 6 days a week that’s about 124,000 shots a year!

Perspective? 124,000 shots a year to sink 3,747 in his career. News to me!!

Most shooting workouts for Caitlin Clark start with 300 shots: 100 3-point attempts, 100 mid-range shots and 100 free throws. “If Clark can drain around 230 of them, then that’s a good day. Every part of Clark’s offseason agenda is strategically planned,” it continues. “It’s how the best women’s basketball player continues to improve amid an already memorable career.”

Going back in time, how about a quick look at Larry Bird?? Larry Bird tries to miss a shot as a part of this demo but is unable to do so. (13 seconds)

When I originally heard this story, I understood that Larry was told to intentionally miss a shot for some kind of TV commercial. It took him 20 attempts. I don’t know if it was apocryphal, and I think we all get the point.

Several people have asked me about business planning resources and ideas for 2025. Here are a few to consider:


A Bonus? Tony Robbins LinkedIn Post | 5 Things All Great Leaders Do


What will it be? Will you set your sights high? If not, why not?? Why wait??

What can (or will be) Your Indisputably Strong Crescendo Finish for 2024?

What’s next to Create Unstoppable Momentum to Launch Your 2025??

Shall we set up another brief zoom call for me to better understand how I might serve you to be and do your unquestionable best, along these lines?

Let me know what might work best for you. I look forward to hearing back

Let’s create your unrecognizable, stratospheric breakthroughs.



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