Greetings, once again, to all our highly valued clients and respected colleagues:
To reiterate what I wrote last year, we’re all well past the New Year’s Resolution Stage and on to living our life and doing our work, as best as we know. Correct?
As a ballpark refresher, research indicates that 80% of people ditch New Year’s resolutions by this point. (Forbes) Hopefully, we all have a clear focus by now.
I am no different, as I grappled to sort through a whirlwind of challenges and opportunities. I am growing my not-to-do list (in similar way that Michelangelo is known to have said about his masterpiece Statue of David? When asked how he created it out of a block of marble: “I chiseled away anything that wasn’t David”)
In a recent Executive Briefing, I was asked what I thought most people, teams and organizations’ current culture looked like. My response was insufficient coherency of a clearly articulated agreed upon vision, with an effective action plan and follow through.
I also realized I still had work to do, given our own series of year-end surprises. I can still hear my mom’s voice in the background: “Don, time to buckle down.”
To snap myself into gear, I quickly wrote this out on the evening of December 31st. I shared it with a few people, to get their take. A personal declaration for greater health, well-being, prosperity, and freedom for all in 2024. What would you write?
Since then, I have upgraded my morning routines (Mind over Mattress, for some of us), as well as my coach and mentor support structures, to help keep me on track with inspirational encouragement and highly effective accountability.
I mapped out a Framework of Priorities for 2024, with Quarterly Milestones. I wrote out a 90 Day Goal Sheet for the 1st Quarter, along with my Absolute List for January. I reactivated Coaching Call Prep Forms. I want Our 2024 Ride to be good as we can get it, for all of us, when we Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2024.
I always want to hear what extremely successful people think, regardless of their chosen fields or lines of work. I may or may not agree with what they have to say, and I want to ask them my toughest questions. I want to hear their best ideas, upgrades, technology, offerings, and projects. Personally, it challenges/inspires me to get my own priorities vividly and crystal clear.
Recently, I did a series of life audit calls with accomplished people I respect, to hear their latest. I got fresh research, reflections, rethinking, recalibrations, and reinventions to consider. These 4 Bullet Points came from one of my most respected mentors.
While I follow Decide, Commit, Focus, Succeed, now I am adding this:
- Discipline
- Structure
- Self-Control
- Self-Mastery
In today’s whirlwind of distractions that can seem like we are fighting an undertow at our lives’ shores, we need to do whatever it takes to stay focused and keep moving forward.
For Discipline:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”
Ask yourself: What am I building? Why start? Why keep it going/growing?
Goals can be the driving force behind our actions, propelling us forward on the path to accomplishment. They provide us with a sense of direction and purpose, illuminating our journey towards success. This may help you change your perspective about goals:
“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.” – Jim Rohn
What do you want to invest your time, energy, and attention building over the course of 2024? (Personally, and professionally?) How will you make your life/skills/wisdom pay?
For structure, how about getting a Business Coach that’s the best fit for You??
A well-matched coach can be an energizing thinking partner to help you consistently take your best actions as you are mastering your disciplines and living your dreams.
To have a coach or not to have a coach, is that a question?
Here’s some ideas from Don Sardella’s Introductory Coaching Sheet for 2024
For Self-Control, get stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke. (Mayo Clinic)
For Self-Mastery: “When you get you right, your world will be right.”
In his book, See You At The Top, Zig Ziglar shares a story of a busy father who gave his young son something to do to occupy his time. The father found a map of the world in a newspaper, tore it out, ripping it into a number of pieces. He then told his son to put the map back together again. Surprisingly, the boy completed the challenge in a couple minutes. “How’d you do that so fast?” asked the father. “It was easy,” said the boy. “There was a picture of a man on the other side. So, I turned it over and put the man together. When I got the man right, the world was right.” As Zig points out, “When you get you right, your world will be right.”
“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” – Tony Robbins.
Winston Churchill also was known to say that “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Fulfillment?
I think that these key (obvious?) points from Robbins and Churchill are still profound.
I’m sticking my neck out with a preview of future audio attractions, coming soon, to an internet browser near you. This is my value promise to you and for you.
The recordings have been completed and the finishing touches are in the works.
Health is on the way – personal, physical, business and otherwise. Here’s to a Happier New Year for all of us, no matter what. (and there will probably be “what”)
I am here to bring you my best energies and professional development ideas, to serve you well and to help you win.
Let’s keep connecting, communicating, and collaborating.